
Mr. Rogers!

We went to the PIttsburgh Children's Museum.  I didn't know there would be a bunch of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood stuff there!

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His shoes!

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Cause we are mature like that

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where we're at

Coaching track, subbing MS/HS gym & health, taking freelance photos, playing volleyball, taking care of two little boys, and still having time to myself thanks to my mom & Jimmy's parents.

Seriously, I am looking forward to moving into my new house more than you will ever know, but I'm gonna miss the ability to go out after I put the boys to bed.  I need that "Me" time.

We had the first round of playoffs tonight- - we won.  Finally got some good blocking in.  Apparently, during a time-out the guys on the other team said they need to start hitting around my block.  AROUND MY BLOCK....on a GUYS' net!  Ha!  I didn't hear this, but I noticed that they did try to do just that.  We also took 2nd in the league. Hopefully we will be tournament champs!

My track team won today as well!  We had a lot of PR's, too!  Always great to hear that!  Especially when it's my hurdlers.

Jimmy brought the boys up to the meet, it was nice to see them there.  Plus we got to run around afterward.  They loved that.  Caden threw a huge fit when it was time to go home.

Tomorrow, my mom & I are going on a ghost hunt. Ha!  Becca told me about it- - and of course we were in, without a doubt.  Hope I don't bring any home with me.

I'm going to try to take more pictures.  I realize that I haven't been, but I also feel like the boys haven't really been doing much to take pictures of.

We walked by our old house the other day.  New owners were outside.  Caden said, "why are those girls at our old house?"  Ha  And every time we drive by our new house he says he can't wait to see it. I can't wait to CLEAN it.  The renters in there now are SOOOO gross.  I think it needs fumigated.

I recently went to the ER for the first time in my life.  Apparently, I'm super stressed out.  Yeah....We have 3 months and haven't picked out kitchen cabinets yet.  We don't even know where we are getting them.  And they will take time to come in after we purchase them.  I just want to have them for when we are ready to move in.  I want to get started on that ASAP.  Like the day we can get in there- - NON-STOP working.  I want in before the holidays, so I can enjoy the holidays with my family in my gorgeous new house that my awesome husband bought for us.

No joke.  This house.   We decided that we should start looking for a new, bigger house after Ryder was born.  Kids come with a lot of stuff.  Big, bulky stuff.  Yes, I know we could have made it work in our old house, but we wanted something even better.  So we started looking.  Well, one of the houses was "out of our price range, but [Jimmy] wanted to look at it anyway."  I said I wasn't going to like it when we got out of the car.  "It's a Cape Cod.  I don't like how the dormer windows cut into the room, making them smaller."  Step ONE foot in the front door - - OMG I want this house!  Then after the tour, I knew it.  I was hooked. From there on out, every house we went in was compared to 1109.  And  not a single house lived up to 1109.  I had to have it.  We kept going back & forth with this house. I wanted to know every detail that was said about it btwn Jimmy, the realtor and the owner.  I was so excited.  We put an offer on it and she didn't take it.  Someone else also put an offer on it and she didn't take that one either, so the dumb bitch rented it out to a family for TWO years (ends Oct 2014).  We sort of stopped looking for houses at the moment, bc we just couldn't find anything like 1109.  Then in the beginning of 2013, she asked us if we still wanted her house.  Um, DUH!  We put our house on the market and sold it in 11 days!  Well, crap.  Now we need a place to live until Oct 2014.  So July 2013, we moved in with my parents.  The renters say they want to try to be out by the end of the summer.  Cool Beans!  We have already purchased the new tile for the kitchen, laundry room, mudroom.  As well as our new double oven.  Saying that I'm super excited, doesn't even cover it.  Every time I passed this house for the past almost 2 years, I've dreamt of someday living in it.   And I can't believe that it's actually going to happen.

Thank you Jimmy.  I love you!!


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