

gotta get this house done quick so we can use these & PARTY!!!


kate hudson


on the cover of

People's 100 Most Beautiful People!!!!



so i was out at a bookstore with joe today and we were looking at photography books. we both have the same sony cyber shot and i came up with an idea that we have to take a picture a day for 365 days. i'm gonna post each of my pictures! they will be the most random pictures and probably not all that good, but if i take a picture a day i might get better at it! ;)

here is #01 it's railing post at the bookstore.

and the green grass grows all around, all around, and the green grass grows all around...

mike's photo shoot

my watercolor paintings

gripe of the month

you know what really grinds my gears...

so i get called into jury duty. i have to wake up at the BUTT CRACK of dawn! i drive out to the courthouse to find out that the trial has been settled and i need to call over the weekend to see if i'm needed for next week. ugh! ok so next week comes around. i called them, even on my way out there, and they say yes the trial is still on!

i get there and there are no more seats available for me to sit, so i sit on the floor. haha figs! then we all get called into the room and they go through this whole schpill on the court stuff blah blah blah. so...

then they call the 14 who they will actually need. and of course i'm called up there. THEN the judge, who was really funny, asks a CRAP load of questions to pretty much see if we all qualify to be jurors for this trial. after the questioning, he said they were dismissing 3 jurors. after one is dismissed someone needs to move down and fill their seat.

now the trial was about someone who got hurt on the job and wants workman's comp. so they dismissed a guy who has been hurt on the job, and another guy (for what- i don't remember), then they asked me to fill his seat, so i got up, sat down, then the Defendant called my name. WHAT did i do???? they dismissed me for NO REASON.

the funny thing is that i really didn't want to be there. i had pictures to turn into the paper and i don't know the first thing about trials, nor do i care. but why the heck did they dismiss me?

i called my dad and told him all about it. he said that they were probably looking for a certain profile and a model blonde carrying a louie vuitton bag was not quite what they were looking for. hahaha! whatevs.

oh and SIDE BAR: the judge asked us not to say, "whoopie" if we are dismissed & i said, "sweet! that was fast" oops. that didn't look good i'm sure. hehehehehe


some DEMO pix

after ripping off the siding. that looked really good, we should have just kept it like that.
this is in our old master bedroom. we turned it into the entry hallway from the garage.
added the wall to the left, ripped up the carpet and refinished the floor, turned the window into a door and closed off the door to the bathroom.

this was the old living room. we ripped out that STUPID shutter wall. wtf was that? who has shutters on the INSIDE of their house? it must have been a 50's thing. i dunno. ANYWAY-- it is now wall and partly the door to the master bathroom. and that awesome big picture window had to go bc of the new garage. i miss that window...

another view of the "shutter wall" and to the right was an entrance to the house, but it now jimmy's closet. holy crap, i can't believe we made it through that.

our new front door---SO FRICKIN' AWESOME

kinda sorta the first night of partying in the new house

jeff, jimmy, and chris rockin' out
actually- no they are being really serious about it. lol

kim & karen shootin' some pool

HOLY CRAP! the song was by Timmy from South Park.

he's spe-ed so we had kim wear a helmet. it was so hilarious!!!!

daisy & the bunny

it was a stare down FOR SURE!!

congratulations to the reid's on their new addition to the family:

It's a girl!




duck duck GOOSE


some people have "blankies"
well i have "pinky" -
i've had this pillow since i was 4 & i've slept with it ever since. that damn thing is roughly 22 years old!!!! i don't necessarily sleep on it, but if it falls on the floor i freak out. LOL

katie's sweet 16 party

uncle dennis being the dj
kickin' it on the dance floor
omg...let's play "don't touch the ground"
uncle chuck being goofy
kim, kristine & gma
dennis, chuck, karen
kristine being goofy
happy birthday katie

mike's confirmation

"now, try not to walk like all 8th grade boys do. move your arms...it's natural. and when standing put your hand in your pocket." - "like this?" - "yeah"
dennis and mike (sebastian)
haha! he's not moving his arms!!!
oooh! look what i was rewarded with for having to sit in church for 3 hours



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