Last week I went snowboarding. We had to put down our age to rent the boards. I was going to write 30 as a {Ha, I'm just kidding}. But I thought that was dumb so I wrote down my real age......31.
Then I wanted to prove to Jimmy my age. So I busted out my TI-82. "2014, bc I haven't had my birthday yet this year. Minus 1982...*punch*punch*punch*compute* equals.....oh shit. 32."
I'm 32.
How the hell, did I not know that? Then I realized, I didn't want to celebrate my last birthday. In fact, I don't think we did {strictly under my orders}. So TECHNICALLY, I never had one. So in all reality, if so, facto, I am still 31.
According to the old laws of birthdays, if you don't celebrate it, it never happened. You are still the age of the last one that was recognized. HA!