We had our annual Christmas at Scott & Whitney's. This year the theme was Minute To Win It. I think I am the only one in the family who has never seen that show. Haha! Probably the only person in the world who hasn't seen it.
It was a lot of fun. We went in order youngest to oldest, then oldest to youngest for the next game, and so on.
Caden wore his Uncle Mikey's shirt from the 90's. He and I dressed in "themed" outfits. He was Kevin from Home Alone and I was a Ballerina.
Here is Whitney & Scott competing in Game 2. You had to make all of the gumballs go from the top bottle to the bottom bottle.
Here is a game where you had to blow up a balloon and then use the air to knock off the cups. First of all, Whitney & I SUCK at blowing up balloons {keep comments to yourself--HAHA}. Second of all, she and I both would have LOVED to see the cashier when Leslie pulls up with all of these Red Solo Cups and Ping Pong balls to the register. HAHA! I think Jimmy killed it in the game.

This game we had to unravel all of the crepe paper. Jim, Leslie, and Jimmy all tried the giant windmill technique. Jimmy was moving REALLY fast. I tried that technique at first, but then realized there HAD to be a faster way. And there was! I just rolled my arms like I was doing the Hand Jive. Those papers were FLYING. So much that I had to move all over the place to catch up to them. Whitney was after me and she tried the same technique, so did Scott. Our times were REALLY good. Scott moved so fast, we thought he was going to back into the tree! Haha
Then we let Caden have a go at the unraveled paper. He wasn't as excited to play in it as you would think. Maybe next year! haha
Another game was to stack the cups and then tear them down. Jim & Leslie were pretty good at it. Poor Jimmy, his tower fell before he got them all stacked. So he started over, because he wanted to do the tearing down technique so badly. Haha
That key game: you had a chopstick with a paper clip at the end of a string. Had to pick up the keys by hooking them onto the paper clip. It was surprisingly easy. I had to put my glasses at the end of my nose though, so I could see! OMG! I'm like an old librarian!
Caden HATES wearing socks on his left foot. It's a little strange.

Getting tired. (but not letting go of the pong)
The series of Scott & Whitney in this game cracked me up!
So you are competing against each other. You have to stack your cups so that you start with the yellow on top then move it to the bottom and one-by-one move all of the other cups to the bottom until the yellow cup is back at the top. Jimmy kicked my ass in this game.
Anyway, so Whitney was beating Scott (so I yelled, "scott she is beating you!") Then he moved faster and I yelled "AHH whitney! Hurry he is catching up!"
BOOM! They TIED! It was hilarious! And Scott's reaction is priceless!
I love this bottom picture! It's so friggin adorable!!!!!
And Little Ryder, just chilled in his carseat the whole time. He was probably soaking all of this in, so when he is old enough he knows all of the best techniques to beat us all! Look at him hiding behind Janet, the giraffe, looking all innocent.....