We went to Michigan for a little weekend getaway! It was our 2nd Annual Hageman "reunion." Almost the whole family was able to come out!
Caden experienced his first time staying at a hotel. He did very well, too!

of course we HAD to jump on the bed.
Caden & Aunt Susie - yes he is checking himself out in the mirror. Uncle John took Oliver & Cade for a wheelbarrow ride. They LOVED it! Even though this picture doesn't really show it. hehe
We announced the upcoming addition to our family with this Big Brother t-shirt.
Caden & Oliver got to meet for the first time. They are going to have so much fun hanging out at family get-togethers when they get a little older
Some backyard games!
Top L: Dave, Scott (my dad), John, and Sue (Brothers & Sister bocce ball game)
Top R: Cade telling Aunt Sue, Grandma & Gidget a story
B L: Brittany, Oliver and Chris
BR: The boys in the pool while my mom watches them
We were goofing around with my camera.
This series of Jimmy lifting his shirt is REALLY funny when you play the pictures back & forth on my camera!
Me showing off my "troll doll" hair [3]
Getting ready for the family picture
Back row: Alex, John, Jimmy, Cade, Mari, Dave, Brittany, Kristi, Scott
Front row: Jeff, Karen, Debbie, Sue, Oliver, Chris, Michael
Missing: Rob, Beth, Penelope, Jenny, Ken, Kim, Joe, and Sam
I love my family!
Wish we could see them all more often.