
Christmas 2012



according to Caden, a christmas tree is a choo-choo dar.  so are christmas lights.



christmas morning brunch....ya need a bloody mary!





I wrapped up everyone's gifts in random boxes.  Kim got an envelope box and my dad got a breast pump box.  HAHA


mikey & aunt sue


stockings at my mom's


one of kim & joe's dogs (Cody) enjoying a bone from Caden & Ryder


My mom made the cute cupcake tree.


My gag gift!  A crocheted bearded hat.  My dad got a creepy moveable pig mask


Jimmy made an awesome Mr. Potato Head


He also made the 8 pound Beef Tenderloin and the really good mushroom & onion topping.  OMG it was so GOOD!!!!!



Was this a gag gift???  HAHA


Kim's gag gift a glass jar head!  So cool


Cool Air Hog

Grinch Loaf



It was supposed to be a snowflake in the middle, but I had to put it on its side or it wouldn't have worked as well.  Still delicious!

xmas card take one



some pix

hold ya over until i download pix from camera

pretty snow


santa was very giving this year

poor man's irish car bomb


thb moment

I was checking out the weather and the ticker at the top said, "Winter Storm Draco Pounds Midwest."  So being the "speak before you think" person that I am sometimes, I say out loud, "Winter storm Draco pounds midwest? Ugh! I want to be pounded!"  I laughed mid-word of "pounded."

I would say that.

Could be the lack of sleep I've been getting.  We can just blame it on that.  I can't believe it's December 20th already!!!!  I was really excited for the Christmas Holidays this year.  But I'm actually not looking forward to them now.  It's kinda sad.  I thought I would be getting better sleep by now & that means that Jimmy has to go back to work.   :(    Plus, as much as I want to see everyone, I really don't want to bring Caden & Ryder around anyone.  I canNOT afford to get either of them sick.  And everyone is sick right now.  Double-edged sword.

It's too bad everyone can't just look at the two of them from afar!  Haha.


So we have been camped out in our living room for the past 2 weeks.  (HOLY SHIT THAT WENT BY FAST)  and I just stood on the step looking down into here.  It looks like a frickin' tornado hit the room.  I don't handle clutter well.  I get very anxious and depressed when rooms are really messy.  I have to either just shut the door and walk away (my office)  or deal with the situation.  Well there is no door to the living room.  So the only thing I can think of is to THROW AWAY STUFF!

It's a good thing I bought NOTHING for the boys for Xmas.  I just wrapped up hand-me-downs.  There is no room for anything else.


Another rant. Our baby monitor is garbage!  The receivers are fully charged and keep beeping that there is no battery.  You have to hold it in a certain spot for it to work, too.  I really want to buy a video one, but they are NOT worth over $200.  I'll have to keep an eye out at the consignment shop.  Maybe they'll have one there and I can try to sell this one there.  hehe.

I have to go check on Ryder every 5 seconds to make sure he is okay, bc he doesn't lie still.  The boy is constantly fidgeting around.

Whew!  Okay.  Hopefully there will be more exciting & happier news for the next post.


2012 Spanxgiving

Instead of going bar hopping on Spanxgiving Eve, we spent the night at Michelle & Duane's.  Jimmy had a rough night.  Haha


I made crab stuffed mushrooms for my appetizer.  They were yummy.


They were all watching videos that Michael, Jimmy & I made over the summer.  Hilarious stuff there!  I love how Caden is lounging on Uncle Mikey's lap.  He's so cute



Beer & Diaper Party

So my friend Michelle & my mom wanted to throw Jimmy & I a party to celebrate Baby #2!  Instead of a shower, we had a little sprinkle: A Beer & Diaper Party!

I had a cool idea for invites so I made the invitations & also a backdrop that I wanted to hang in the baby's room anyway.  My mom made this awesome diaper cake & golf club bag!

It was so nice to see friends & family before the big day (which could be any day now- - I'm less than a week away from due date).


My mom also made the cupcakes, which had a surprise filling inside!  I took one bite and was hooked!

Cute little details on the cake.  I don't want to take it apart!!!


This cool golf bag made of diapers!  Unfortunately that was the first to be taken apart, bc it was made up of newborn diapers.  It was the coolest!!!!


Whitney made this adorable motorcycle with a tiger on it!!!!  She and Scott also made this awesome fruit baby basket!



Here it is at the party

And in the nursery!

I also made these for the nursery as well!


Caden opening some gifts.

My sister also made a super cute painting that will be hung up in the nursery as well!!!


Christmas Decorating!

My tradition is to put up the christmas decorations the day after Spanxgiving.  I got as much done as I could this year before we went to celebrate thanksgiving with Jimmy's family.  I also had to just walk away from the tree this year bc NONE of the christmas tree lights work, so we had to use some from the outdoor decorations.  Why can't they make lights that aren't CRAP!?!

We aren't doing a lot of christmas decorations this year, just because of being really busy with the new baby.  I almost want to just throw all of the non-working lights in a barrel and light the effers on fire!  They'd be lit then!

So I'm looking at my tree and the top string is blinking and the bottom 2 - - not so much.  ugh.

We pretty much have everything ready for the baby to get here. My hospital bag isn't completely packed, but eh.  Do I really need that stuff anyway?  Haha.

I'm looking forward to christmas this year!  I do every year.  But it's gonna be cool with the little nuggets!


Um....yes please!

I can't believe I have to wait until March 8th to see this!!!!!!


Where is the kitty kitty?



Found him!!!!   He is just hanging out in the baby's room keeping some blankets warm.  Which now I have to clean!  Thanks little dude!  But it is really cute.


Happy Halloween 2012


I wasn't going to dress up as anything this year.  I had an idea to be the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man, but we decided not to do anything for Halloween.  My mom & I had planned to take Caden trick-or-treating, and when I found out that Jimmy got to go as well, I decided to just throw on my cat ears & some make-up.

Jimmy used the beard from Caden's wig set and went as Steve McKenna from Drinking Made Easy.  If you haven't seen the show, it's pretty cool, if you like to drink different drinks.  They have a cool job.


As for our little man....


Check out the story @ Crib Rock!


too much stress!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hurricane Sandy is driving me insane.  I know I don't have it even 1/4 as bad as everyone on the East Coast, but it's been pretty damn stressful here.  I'm so stressed & upset that I don't even want to eat.  If you know me, you know that is bad!  I locked up both of my animals in the laundry room because they are partly the cause of my stresses.  There is just too much going on and then with the unexpected shit to fix- not HELPING!  I'm seriously sick of it.

OK- that sucked.

Well, I'm going to go shampoo the carpet again.  Hoping the smell of dog piss goes away soon!


broke my ❤

this made me so sad when i heard about it.

big tex




My season has ended.  It was a lot of fun.  I wish I wasn't pregnant, so I could be able to play with them though.  Now I have time to get things done!  Apparently, I need to pack my hospital bag.  Sunday, was kinda rough, I thought I would have had to call the doctor yesterday and go in.  Luckily, I had a better day.

Now it's time to focus on this baby, the holidays, Caden, and the house. Oh and making my husband dinner would probably be appreciated as well.  Although, I did enjoy coming home to dinner being made once in awhile.  :)

Hey Pinterest!  I'm ready to get some shit done!

Lake View Cemetery

It was a nice day, so I decided to go take some pictures.  The last time I took pictures here, I used my old Canon film camera.  That was LONG time ago.Photobucket














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