Hey.....January is over on Tuesday! THANK GOD! Let's hope February isn't this cold.
I have a really busy week ahead. Family members are coming in from out of town, basketball games, baby shower, & Super Bowl party! I'll try to get some pix to post!!!
Friday night....
Last night, Jimmy & I went to my lil bro's basketball game. Mikey played really well. After the game, we went over to our friends' house for "game night." Robbie & Sarah always have an AWESOME spread of food laid out for us when we come over. I love it! We've all become quite the little foodies. He made flatbread pizza topped with asparagus & gruyere cheese. mmm. It was fantastic. I think I ate about 50 strawberries & celery sticks as well. It was a great night of fun & laughter. We were up until about 2AM and poor Jimmy had to get up at 5:45 for work this morning. We kept telling him we could stop the game, so we could go home. But he insisted that we finish. (Which by the way, led to another victory for me!)
Today I have a ton of "chores" to get done that I keep putting off. Like sewing Daisy's jacket. I think that has been on the list for about a week. It's pretty damn cold outside, and I really don't have anything I HAVE to get done beyond this house. So I think I should lay low & get all of this crap done.
Bill Cosby Himself: Dentists
Ugh! I have a dentist appointment on Monday! I HATE when you have to "rinse" bc the line of spit just hangs there. But I don't mind going bc my teeth always feel so good afterwards. :)
Tuesday Night Basketball Game

I decided to go on the floor to take pix. I wasn't too thrilled about where we were sitting, so I thought I should move. I was asked to take some pictures of the seniors, luckily there are only 3.
I like these 2 shots of Sam:

I know it's the same shot basically.

Mikey had a great game!

He drew a lot of fouls & got to go to the line a lot.

Towards the end of the game, he went in for an alley-oop & since he basically did a chin-up on the rim, got a technical called against him. That was his 5th foul, so he fouled out! It was a great way to leave the game though! HAHA! Definitely great for the fans! I was watching the little ball boys watch him like he was a superstar. SO FRIGGIN' cute!

Then he saw me sitting there bored, since he was out of the game.

Chagrin won & they play Kenston again on Friday night! Can't wait. Time for some revenge!!!!!
Maxin' & Relaxin'

It was a long week. I had been sick for about a week & a half and wasn't getting any sleep. I decided to take a nice calming bath. As I was running the water, I noticed that Oakley was there within seconds of turning the water on. I thought cats were supposed to be afraid of water.

This cat, on the other hand, is fascinated by water. If you can't find him in the house, he is usually in the laundry room sink playing with the water that drips from the furnace. Or he is playing with the water bowl that he and Daisy drink from.

He walked along the edge of the tub & while I was in it, he had his front leg ALL OF THE WAY in the water. He tried to step onto my leg to get in, but I wouldn't let him.

Even though it's hard to resist this cute little face. I'm thinking of taking a bath tonight, I wonder if he will try to get again. Most likely....
Still diggin'

We had dinner at Nicole & Jeremy's Saturday night. MMM!!!! So delicious! Then after we played Cribbage & Yatzee. They were all baffled that I've never played Yatzee before. haha. And last night we had dinner with Chris & Kristy. This Friday, we are going over to Robbie & Sarah's. You'd think I'd bring my camera to any of these. I'm just too lazy.
I can't believe that January is almost over already. Time is sure flying by these days & I know it's just going to go by even quicker. I'll try to take some pictures to help time stand still for a moment.
So we were going to go to the gym this morning, but we don't have the time. Plus it is literally 2º outside. I'm serious. My thermometer says 2º. That is just riDIC! So I'm going to use our elliptical right after I post this. Hopefully, I will get a good workout in!
Check this out!!
Crap! I just ate Ruby Tuesday's fries!!! Not an endless helping, but I had some. And I LOVE On the Border Chips. What the heck!?!
well Oakley threw up for the first time last night. I figured he probably ate some of the pretty flower arrangement on the table. I locked him in my room, bc I also assumed that the flowers are probably toxic to cats bc he has never vomited. So I looked them up on this website. If you have pets, I suggest you take a look. Or just assume that you can't have ANY live plants in your house, bc that is basically the case.
Toxic to cats: Baby's Breath & Chrysanthemums.
In the flower arrangement: Baby's Breath, Roses, and Chrysanthemums.
Damnit. So now I have to just lock up the plants when I leave the house. And at night I get to lock up the cat in the laundry room, bc he kept me up from 3:15 this morning, bc while he was locked in my room, he kept getting into EVERYTHING he shouldn't. [my fake flower arrangement, Jimmy's nightstand which is clutter with shit, my necklaces...]
YAY! The shower in the master bedroom is FINALLY hooked up! Only took 2 years! I told Steve (our friend, who also happens to be our plumber) that now I can finally bathe myself. And when he left he said, "and, Kristi, please....take a friggin' shower already." HAHA! I mean seriously, it's been 2 years! I was starting to rot. eww....that sounds nasty. (THANK GOD we have 2 showers) He picked out this really cool hardware that has a snowflake for cold water & a wavy sun for hot etched into it. Looks awesome.
Double Take
I was looking at the celebrities who are knocked up, bc there is a HUGE baby boom. I saw Drea de Matteo

is preggers with her fiance's baby...not Ellen. But I thought Ellen & her were married.....So I IMDB'd Ellen. She is with Portia de Rossi

I looked at her picture...WHAT?!?! How is that NOT the same person? Holy crap!
My blog has sucked balls lately. Being sick has kinda brought me down. I finally got some sleep last night though!!!! Mikey has a game tonight. And of course it's not home or in the CVC, so I'm debating on if I want to go or not. I do want to, I just don't know if I'm up for it. Plus I'd have to pay, and god forbid I do that. HAHA.
The high on Saturday is supposed to be 13º. That is so friggin' stupid! It's 41º out right now. I guess I better go get my errands done while there is a heatwave!
I missed Mikey's last basketball game, bc I'm sick & he was the leading scorer AND SLAM DUNKED!!! ugh. and I MISSED it!
oh dear.....god.
I just bought tickets for the overnight at the Mansfield Reformatory! I hope we all survive! I'm so excited!!!!!!
some basketball shots

Mikey gets the jump ball EVERY SINGLE TIME, except once (vs. orange).

basketball montage.

Jimmy's picture taking skills

I know Mikey's sport is football, BUT I hope there were scouts at this game. The guy he was up against is being scouted out by NCAA Div I schools & Mikey friggin' OWNED him in this game! There were only a couple of times where the kid got by him (baseline).

It was such an awesome game to watch.
some pix 4 ya!
So I have a bunch of basketball pictures to go thru to post, but I wanted to bust out my 50mm today, so I took some pix with it around the house, since I can't do anything else. Being sick Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkssss.

Not quite the most interesting picture, but I'm practicing with my new lens.

I was taking some pictures to post around the house, and Oakley was curious & decided to plop right down in front of my lens. Then roll around in front of the camera posing. Yup....I sure know how to pick 'em!

Daisy, looking bored. I can't let her play outside all day (which is what she wants) bc she has an ear infection. And the cold air is probably not good for her right now.

And when she DOES go outside, I make her wear her jacket. She HATES wearing it! However, she seems to be getting used to it.
I guess the good thing about being sick & having to stay at home: you get to try new things. Robbie taught me some chords on our guitar. "C" is my favorite. haha

Not quite the most interesting picture, but I'm practicing with my new lens.

I was taking some pictures to post around the house, and Oakley was curious & decided to plop right down in front of my lens. Then roll around in front of the camera posing. Yup....I sure know how to pick 'em!

Daisy, looking bored. I can't let her play outside all day (which is what she wants) bc she has an ear infection. And the cold air is probably not good for her right now.

And when she DOES go outside, I make her wear her jacket. She HATES wearing it! However, she seems to be getting used to it.
I guess the good thing about being sick & having to stay at home: you get to try new things. Robbie taught me some chords on our guitar. "C" is my favorite. haha

I've been sick the past couple of days. So sick that I think I opened my computer up like once. Hopefully I will feel better today & get some blogging done!!!! *fingers crossed* As of right now, I have the worst headache from a sinus infection. So I won't be sitting here uploading any pictures. It's about 24º out & there is snow all over the ground. Hmm....good day to go run my errands I was supposed to run Tuesday! haha. At least it's pretty out there!
Sorry, I haven't forgotten about my blog. I have been really busy & also not getting any sleep. But I will really try my hardest to get crackin' & upload some pictures!

I just found this pic
It was when Jimmy & I got engaged!
We look like we are 12 & 14 years old!!!!
Here is us 10 years later!
I have wrinkles now!!!! That is riDICulous!
I have a bunch of pix on my camera, I just have to upload them. Been really busy, I'll try to get them up soon! And great, Mikey has another game tonight, so there's another 100 pix I'm going to have to go through!
It's snowing this morning. I thought the rule was that It was supposed to stop after Christmas. HAHA. I wouldn't mind but it's about 20º out & with the windchill, it has to be about 10º.
hanging with EEEEEeeeee
So Erin & I decided to trek it to Aurora Farms for some shopping. We were back to our old immature selves in less than 4 minutes. We laughed so hard, we cried. We stopped in the perfume store & sprayed the worst smelling perfume on ourselves. Then we decided to go into a shoe store & there...sitting with a "spotlight" on them were the Cloud 9 shoes. Nine West's version of the Shape-ups. We just had to try them on. You feel & look like you have some sort of special need when you wear them. I like the Easy Tones, but these & the Shape-ups look like they need velcro instead of laces. The lady working there kept asking us if we needed help bc we were being REALLY obnoxious. Maybe mental help! Get these horrible looking things off of our feet! We put them away quickly & flew out the store. Onward to the Yankee Candle store. If you thought we were immature & annoying in the Nine West store---boy you needed to see us smelling the candles for 40 minutes in THIS store! We were so loud, too. oops. I love how we have been friends since I moved here in 6th grade & we are still just as immature. Proof that I will never grow up. ......mentally.

I couldn't even take the pictures right, bc I was laughing so hard I was shaking.
One day we went out to lunch with Jimmy to Umami. DE.LIC.IOUS! Jimmy ordered this really cool tea. Then we went back to our house for the Home Alone movies & dinner.
I couldn't even take the pictures right, bc I was laughing so hard I was shaking.
One day we went out to lunch with Jimmy to Umami. DE.LIC.IOUS! Jimmy ordered this really cool tea. Then we went back to our house for the Home Alone movies & dinner.

It's the new year, and I wanted to start it off right with backing up my hard drive onto my external hard drive. I like to transfer all of my pictures. WELL, my plan was to do that tonight. Then my mom called me begging me to go to the stupid football banquet with her. Little did we know, it was going to be 3.5 hours long!!!!!! This was their 3rd banquet this year & it STILL lasted 3.5 hours! Are you serious?!! Yes, unfortunately, I am.
I have a freelance photo op tomo, so I'd really like to clean up my space.
my back is killing me from sitting in that chair for that long!!
p.s. congrats to my little bro for winning the Dumb Jock award! love it.
Xmas Eve 2010
showing off our Stupid Human Tricks.
yes, that's gross- jimmy can basically pick his nose with his tongue....with no effort.
mikey & I drinking sparkling grape juice. mmm....
the joys of being knocked up or underage...
beth & oliver
robert (the token ginger) winning a $20 bet from my dad about some ginger trivia. uncle dave is the mediator.
one last thing b4 i go to bed...
OMG! We were watching these the other night. I can't stop laughing.
Then they made a remix:
THEN they made a christmas version:
Then they made a remix:
THEN they made a christmas version:
Christmas 2010
mikey playing basketball
bye bye....
Sad to see it go, but after 2 years, it was time to say goodbye to the fireplace that Jimmy built me. When we remodeled our house, we had to get rid of our fireplace to expand the kitchen & the master bedroom. I was worried that Santa wouldn't be able to give me gifts, so Jimmy built this out of cardboard & some wood. It was great for laughs & conversation started, but after Cooper played around with it, the inside started to curl. Then Oakley would sometimes do the same. I hope they don't miss it. haha
We also started the year off by saying goodbye to the Beheading moveable paper sculpture thingy. Jimmy purchased this at the Greek Fest & then put it together. It actually worked: you turn the knob & the guy chops the other guy's head off. It was also complete with rats at the bottom. Most....Random.....Thing.....Ever.
Now on to building other things!
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