

well remember what i said about NOT going to the gym from 5-7.....? well i'm going up there at 530 today, so i can do another latin fusion class. wtf am i thinking? and it's a friday!!! it's like i want to have another headache and be pissed.

one day closer to my pain mgmt consultation!!!!!!

keep on pushin' through!

this weekend we are celebrating my sister's 25th birthday! i'm really excited about my gift to her. i can't wait to see her reaction!!!!

have a great weekend everyone!!!




last night, nicole and i went to LTF to take one of the latin fusion classes. we didn't realize that it wasn't with the instructor that EVERYONE likes. it was with some other chick.

here are reasons why this class SUCKED MY ASS!!!!

1. she left the lights on at their brightest. *um no. now ppl can see how much i suck at this!

2. she had the music turned up so frickin loud that my ears/head still HURT/S *i'm all for loud music but this truly was riDICK!

3. her microphone was up so loud (and i thought the music was loud)! and she didn't talk into it, she YELLED into it! seriously? is she on f-ing crack?

4. there was a nice ratio of ppl to dance space- then all of a sudden 10 minutes into class 8 effing little kids came running in. and they stood right in front of nicole and i. *OMG! i had to modify every move so that i didn't step on them. throughout the whole class they kept looking out the window at their friends telling more of them to come in and try it. then they kept leaving and coming back-over & over!!!! how is this allowed!?!? and why didn't i complain?!?!

5. the whole time my back way frickin' killing me. and i just pissed me off that i had to be careful of what i was doing to make sure that i didn't hit a spot that i couldn't move. *this back thing needs to be fixed ASAP!!!!!

ugh! so then we walked out of the studio and the whole floor was surrounded by little kids! there are signs posted nobody under 12 is allowed up there! maybe they should change that to 16 or something. it was like a frickin' jungle gym.

UGH! ok.....whew.

*note to self- - do NOT go to gym from 5-7 pm on weekdays.

p.s. nicole & i are going to a class at 4:30 today.


p.p.s. why the f*#k is "dammit" spelled that way? it should be "damnit," DAMMIT!

hehe :)

just my luck

i had to buy a damn gate bc i have to keep my dog from going into the living room while i'm gone. it's like 11 o'clock at night and i'm taking the gate out of the box. there is something lying on the ground away from the gate.

it's a piece of plastic that broke off of some part. wtf?!?! for $100 this gate SUCKS! so i pack the damn thing back up and i have to return it.

the next day- the sun is shining!!! totally weird bc of the shitty town that i live in. i decide to take my doggy for a walk. she's a little hesitant bc i had to put her damn coat on. (she pretends that she can't move in it. but when you say "daisy! wanna treat?" she comes running) dumbass. i'm smarter! so i just bought some under armour "cold gear" pants. bc i'm a freeze baby. i put them on and check out my ass in the mirror. then i look down and see a dang hole! AYFR?!? for $50 i'm returning this shit, too!!!!

anyway! we make it all the way to almost the end of ridgewood and she decides to not move. were talking stone still! ugh!!!! and it's freezing out! so we attempt to walk back home.

why is this dog so frustrating sometimes?



ok. so it's been 16 days and i still weigh the same and my legs are still squishy & undefined! WTF? i did, however, stretch my back out today and it went farther than it's been able to go for awhile. uh...YAY....er.

next monday is my appt with the pain management doctor. i'm really nervous, bc i am super excited & optimistic about it. but nothing else has worked so far, so that's why i'm so nervous. it's like what's the point? this probably won't work either.

i'm too young for this shit.

maybe my grandma was right. maybe i shouldn't have played so many sports my whole life.

soak it in........soak......it......in..............

austin is walking over to me so i can play with his balls...
i'm pretty sure that he is even licking his lips.
"what? why are you leaving me, kristi?"- mark sanchez
"sorry- Dirty. there's a new kid in town. and he needs me."

"great job, Garcon! now i gotta get over to the sidelines to give a victory kiss to my girl."-AC

um-that'd be me! ;)

"hey!!! are you seriously gonna leave me hanging?"



how in the HELL am i supposed to concentrate on the super bowl game
with austin collie playing?



whoa! ok MOST of you know my "dime story." those of you who do not: LONG story short....

i always find dimes in RANDOM places and there are never any other change with them. just a lonely dime. someone told me that it means that someone who you love (who is deceased) is saying "hi."

it's best when i'm really thinking hard about something or when something is really bothering me and then i find a dime! -- telling me everything is going to be okay.

sooooo...i got a call from my mom today. she is painting her spare bedroom. she was on the ground painting the baseboards and wanted to put a towel down to keep paint from getting on the floor. as she was doing this, she felt something shoved under the baseboard. she looked to see what it was and it was.....[drumroll]......a DIME!!! so i was like- oh that's really cool!!! then she said, "this is the room where papa passed away." Oh man, i didn't even think of that. then we both burst into tears. i think he is telling her, "great job, honey! i love the color." OR "what the hell are you thinking? this color is horrible, you haggggggg!" either way, it's pretty cool.

was papa telling my mom hi?

outlook good!


*been working about for over a week & my legs are still rippled. it's disGUSTing!!!

*my back is still frickin' killing me-- looking into something...again.

*my little sister is turning 25 on monday!!!!!

*it's still freezing outside. although yesterday i wore flip flops. (not smart- but i missed them)

*got a lot of stuff coming up. but i will probably neglect to take any pictures. since, i've noticed that i haven't been doing that lately. :/ sorry 'bout that.




...i came home one day and found that dino thing in the living room with it's collar all torn up. i guess daisy wanted a new toy.
it's nothing but fabric now. no eyes. no stuffing.

i went to the gym today. and i picked one of the best time slots to go. it was actually nice and calming. needless to say, i had a great workout. i'll prolly eat some ice cream later. hehe...

i know it will probably never go on sale, but if anyone sees the Sex and the City series on DVD go on sale- - please let me know!!! spanks!!!!

the duke's new jacket

don't let her fool you with that cute face.
she totally HATES it.
i figure- if we keep making her wear it and keep tricking her(she thinks she can't move with it on) she'll eventually like it.


foot in mouth

well ya know how i was ranting & raving about my job?? ugh! shouldn't have done that. i had the worst day yesterday. thank god it only lasted until 11am. anyway! it's over.

we were going to the gym & i was talking about how i was sweating "profusively." nicole noticed that i made up another word- but didnt want to say anything. then jimmy stopped me, "uh- you mean profusely." HAHA! yeah- whatev. the 3 of us were talking the other day about how we have really good peripheral vision. well i say that word wrong, too. mine sounds like "per-riff-free-uhl" nobody ever corrected me on that b4- how was i supposed to know? hehe.

i need to start making notes- - bc i did it again. i had something yesterday that i wanted to blog about & i forgot it...again. i DID remember that i fell off my bed last night. that was kinda funny.


some randies

another installment of taking the icicles down

daisy & jimmy playing in the snow

an icicle giving jimmy the "what's up?"

one of my mom's pictures of mike dunking


crap! jimmy and i were sitting there reading the paper and talking about something. i remember saying, "ooh ooh! i'm totally writing about that in my blog."

20 min later- i sign into my blog....mind=blank!

i have NO clue what i was gonna write about. oh well.

finals are going well this week. today i had the first set of gym finals. the kids crack me up. they had to go through an obstacle under a certain amount of time. then i bribed them to help me put the equipment away. hehe but come one, seriously. you expect me to put balance beams away by myself?!?!? i have a bad back.

tomo is the last day. i have gym then health!

i love it!

i went to school to be an art teacher(hopefully photography). halfway through i decided that i would rather have been a gym/health teacher. i graduate and teach some art, photograph for the local paper, then decide to be a substitute teacher. i have mostly subbed gym & health!!!! holy crap! that worked out PERFECTLY!!!! i get to teach gym & health (and i don't have to make lesson plans) AND i'm a freelance photographer! woo HOO!!!! :)


this is how we do it....

kim & i mowing gma & papa's yard
circa 1999 "move.....move....move..."

"mom! kristine won't go weed-whack!"
"whew. i need a break!"

proof that YES! i did weed-whack
dang-i wish my face was still that skinny

"i'll show you weed-whack!"


HAHAHA! the things we made that kid do!
poor mikey
that looks so wrong

some oldies...

my dad & mom
at one of their new year's eve parties in texas
mike & cowboy bill

my mom & i

me, mom, and my sister kim

more YouTube greats

here is another Ok Go music video. really awesome!

and do you remember these 2 videos by that funny guy?


show me your genitals

everyday normal guy


went to the gym today for the first time! it's awesome!!!!! i love it. their website really sux though. i have a few basic questions that you should be able to find answered on a website, and u can't. like what do you do if you lose your membership card?

anyway. i hope my body is sore after the workout i did.

can't wait! :)


this is great!!!

these people recorded a guy tripping on acid. then made an animated clip of it. i don't know why, but it makes me laugh sooooo hard! i can just picture this guy randomly seeing stuff and talking about the most stupidest random shit. hahaha!



for those of you who know me, you know that i keep journals of my dreams bc they are so f*ed up! also, you know that i love sharing them & that i go into detail...which means it's a long story.

i will NEVER forget the first time i told the fam about one of my dreams. we were at gma & papa hageman's house. from then on every time i say, "omg. i have to tell you about my dream last night," ppl go running.

well OMG! i HAVE to tell you about my dream last night:

i went to a dance , charity, function thingy that was happening in a school district in which i sub for. it was at their high school. it was meant to be a girls' night out thing, but our men went as well. just on their own. as i was walking in, i noticed a group of kids standing outside being all "gang-like." we walked by them and i felt really weird, so i turned around and one of the guys had a gun pointed at me!!! he fired it and shot me in the arm. then a cop jumped in front of me and was shot in the chest. the shooter took off.

i ran inside. i was in the bathroom looking at my arm. it looked like filleted chicken! EW! wtf?! my right foot was all messed up, too. the 1st layer of skin was swollen & mushy. i tried ripping it off but not all of it came off so it just hung there. OMG! EW!!!! i stuffed my foot back into my shoe and it was "pouring" over the sides!!!! i feel like vomiting right now.

jimmy was inside somewhere getting a tattoo. he had no clue what had happened. they kept us all there overnight. finally, someone found me and let me & jimmy go. i was afraid to be alone & everywhere i looked i thought someone was shooting at me. jimmy was walking me out, but then i couldn't find me and starting getting scared. then i saw a kid pointing something gun-like at me. there was a red target light shining on me and a beeping noise. jimmy & i walked out & the beeping never stopped. he even noticed it. they're following me or something! we drove away & stopped at a cemetery to see if anyone was following us. then a white suburban pulled in with 3 gang members (hehe) staring at us. AHH!

so we peeled outta there and lost them on the freeway somewhere. i said, "i'm never subbing in that district again." my arm was all black & blue with a giant hole with blood oozing out. we drove to a hospital and they put me on the waiting list.

Are you freakin' kidding me?!?!?!

*that was a really f*#%ed up dream!!!

*p.s. that's the 2nd time within 2 months that i had a dream i was shot.
the other time i got shot 7 times and the person was spelling my name as they did it. "K-R-I-S-T-N-E!" yes- - they misspelled it in my dream. hahaha!!!!



tucky's hot dog challenge

have to eat all of these 5 loaded hot dogs in less than 5 minutes

jimmy shoveling them in
chad beginning to look like he's gonna puke

matt shaking like loco

the tucky's champ
(in all locations- haha)


remember this one, too?

remember this great video?

everytime i see this i laugh!!!

...and we wanna get wastedddddd

New Year's Eve 2009

kristi & michelle

the girls

the guys

look how nice & clean the car is. haha

his best new year's eve EVER

last stop

duane & michelle

dancing & singing the night away

omg! it's aaron from Ghost Adventures!!!!
we love him!

k. i guess we should go. it was really nice having a designated driver.


my own wall!!!

yay! i have my own spot where everyone can put up their heights. my grandma & papa hageman had one of these and i loved it when we came up here for vacation & got to mark our height down. we are such a competitive family. haha! looks like mike may be the final winner!

*if you come over- don't let me forget to mark your height!!!!

itamar's front page shot! i love it!!!


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