

tit's funny, right?


okay, okay...i know i have posted something like this before, but honestly people...

the library parking lot is already too small and crammed. *if you drive a huge vehicle and cannot park it, please stay home with it. i'm guessing this person IS handicapped, because they are taking up a normal spot AND the handicapped spot. i don't know why, but this just bugs the hell outta me.


taking a rest...




she sleeps!




will it ever stop snowing this season?



cado time!




subbing 101

so i had to sub for a gym class this past week. i was soooo excited. yeah yeah it was in the Heights, but i figured EVERY kid loves gym class. whoa. i have never written a referral, bc i really just don't want to get involved with that. i had to write 2 that day! i had to stop a student from throwing a metal folding chair at another student. i seriously had to use force to hold him back from beating up an annoying girl. she wasn't helping by saying, "hit me. hit me..." with her beads banging as her head started to spin. ugh! so annoying. and to think, it all started with her not scooting back in line. i'm so proud of myself bc i didnt yell. i calmly asked the kid to stop and i ACTUALLY got him to relax and shoot some hoops on his own. i also had a 5th grade student (about my height) act like he was going to kick my ass bc he wasn't supposed to be in my class and i asked him to leave. he then started swearing at me as he walked out of my kindergarten gym class. that's just great. haha
then i had to sub at CFHS. COMPLETELY different story. there i just had to listen to the kids talk about their maids and making fun of their friends' nipples....


got this in an email. made me laugh

photo by jim fisher

obviously, i didn't take this, but i follow his blog and just LOVE this picture.
thought i would show it off

ew! i haven't looked at my blog in awhile, bc i have been working a lot. THAT PICTURE IS SOOOO disturbing!



why would you hire someone that looked like this? if i was a clothing designer, i would NOT hire a model this unhealthy. nobody would notice your work, and just be distracted by the "annie"
i'm going to hurl now


hey, jennifer- i like your outfit

she's a billion times hotter than me. but yay! fun!
10 yrs later and i can still fit into it. oh geez



ya know what really sogs my cereal?

when you sprain your ankle and have NO IDEA how!!!

my guess is that when i went out saturday night, i must have twisted it. bc it started hurting after that. but HONESTLY, i have no recollection of doing that...

cffd winter dinner 2009

cb & drewfus
hey, there's free beer

"it's me"

congrats andy!
firefighter of the year!!!!

congrats mark!
Officer of the year!!!!!

kristi & nicole

fabulous, absolutely marvelous


ok, so i love my animals, i however don't want them sleeping in my bed with me at night. or anytime for that matter, bc they shed. and when you are someone who likes to be able to freely move about in your own bed, it's not ideal to have pets join you.

ANYWAY! so lately, Daisy has been hiding under our bed while we are getting ready to go to sleep. i always catch her, bc she accidentally makes a noise. i might have horrible vision, but i have REALLY good hearing. (really good) >: P

so last night, i was so tired. i had a long day and my knees & ankle were killing me. i just wanted to fall asleep. as i was going into a coma, i heard little dog tags jingle.
hmm, maybe she is just getting comfortable in her bed out there.
i hear a big sigh. wow that sounds like she is lying right next to me.
then i hear a stomach growl. ok that wasn't mine or james'. that little shit is under the bed!!!!
"Hey! wake up, i think the dog is in here."
"what?! are you kidding me?"
he gets up and calls her to let her out. she doesnt move, shh. maybe if i stay really still and make no noise, they will go back to sleep.
he turns on the light, i lift up the covers, there she is huddled under the bed.
"daisy! get outta there! bring her bed in, will try it out and see if she can stay in her bed all night."

and so we did....and she did!

yay. i was so proud of her, and also happy that she didn't jump on the bed onto my sprained ankle. : /

now if only we could get the cat to not jump on the bed...


i know it's cold, but this is awesome!

i just love how the snow/ice just built up there

it almost looks like you can jump in and totally sink in softly

just fascinating





super bowl sunday

trying to push thru the gate

after our game and the halftime show, we all decided to build a snowman.
and not just any snowman....

the biggest snowman!

complete with 2 balls!

the middle section was REALLY heavy...
i wouldn't know from experience, bc i was busy taking pictures. hehe

here comes mike with the finishing touches

ready mr. snow? catch the football!

nice catch! now run!

*behind the scenes...

great job everyone! that thing was up for a week!

the biggest snowman i have ever seen in real life...i think.
about 7.5' tall

that's purdy


it's game time! molly get your 3-D's on!

ok, riley! here we go!


watchu talkin' 'bout?

it's a good thing i went to my mom's and picked up a few of my old toys!
ok....fine...i still play with them when no one is looking...

daisy in 3-D!

i had a few blonde moments that night:
1. on the 3D glasses it said, "put one at the end of the 2nd qtr." so i was thinking during the 2nd qtr but @ the end of it....eh, whatever.
2. molly wanted to give daisy a treat, so i was telling daisy to sit. and i kept saying it over and over, waiting for a reaction. she never moved, just looked @ me dumbfounded. OMG! she was already sitting b4 i even started bc she saw the treat in my hand! Doy!

michael has to wear a helmut while watching tv.


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