
molly climbing up her awesome new playset!!!
great job andy!

daisy loves playing with sadie & thunder

woo woo!!!!

screaming eagles

Spring 2008 Champs!!!!

dude....i know the feeling





Ok so Susanne found this REALLY cool website. and i went on it and made a video. Well, i didn't know that it would post the video right away. so this is a month early! Daisy's birthday is July 24th. and she will be 21 so we are going to PARTY!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Daisy


finished the painting!!! but i think i'm gonna have to go over the pink with white then pink again to make the pink look...well...PINK!!!! it soaked right into the black. LAME!

so i was making this really delicious recipe that i just found. while i was cooking up a storm, hot oil shot right into my eye and all over my arm. needless to say it doesn't feel too good and when i look out my right eye, everything is cloudy. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat.

i'm gonna post the P.O.T.D. with the polaroid look. one problem- - i'm gonna have to cut off some of my original shot. SO...if i feel that the picture is just too cool to crop off, i will run it as a regular shot. hopefully ya'll are enjoying these. i will try to get more creative, but that's a stretch.

ta ta



i made jimmy and mike laugh soooooooooooooooo hard.
we were all crying. my abs hurt so bad, and i couldn't breathe.
and just when they thought it was over
we'd have a chance to catch our breath...BAM!
i started it right back up!
doing "Sabotage" in the voice of Whitey from "Eight Crazy Nights"



just part of my painting...got a few touch-ups and I'M DONE!!!!! it's going up tomo


going GAYrage Salin'
whatta bust!

YAY~ pumpin gas


gripe of the month

when people seriously think they are better than others. i mean, come on...really? ooohh....

fergie said it best: "Who are you-and what do you do
To make you think you are above me
But have you walked in my shoes
The pedestal
You put yourself on
Well since I'm breaking it down now
It's gonna collapse and be gone-gone-gone-gone-gone
Maybe I got things you wish you had
You need to stop the hate and get a pen and pad"


hey hey hey

let me know which format ya'll like better for the P.O.T.D.!!

is it...

a) just the picture

b) the picture looking like a polaroid shot

c) looking like a polaroid shot with the # on the bottom

d) looking like a polaroid shot and turned like it was just thrown down

give me some feedback for your viewing pleasure (and sometimes not so pleasure)




Grinch face


Kristin Carr


da moon!



my aunt sue asked me if i've seen this picture on the news.
a girl took a picture of a tornado while standing outside her front door!
are you kidding me?!?!?!
take cover!!!!!!!


It's Father's Day!


garage saling

daisy sitting in the shade
OMG! Uncle Wiggily

you make ants outta play-doh!
then you "splat" them with the big splat hand!

i still hate ants.
what a fun game!!!!

scorchers volleyball

marty, fred, barb

john carroll guy and matt







the weavers live up the street from me
the crackheads, they live down the street from me
the tall grass makes it hard to see
beyond my property
hey man, this is criminal,
this hard line symmetry of people and pets
we don't bother anyone
we keep to ourselves
the mailman visits each of us in turn
we don't bother anyone
we keep to ourselves
the mailman visits each of us in time
gotta live, gotta live, gotta live
in shit towne
gotta live, gotta live, gotta live
in our town.
-Live "Shit Towne"

that's pretty


my painting has to hold off until the Estate Sale is over.
which by the way is this Thur-Sat; 9-4


been really busy lately and TOTALLY enjoying this weather!!! still got a lot of crap-o-la to do on the house. the grass is finally growing in! yay! got a garage sale coming up this thursday-saturday at my grandma's so i have to go help my mom set-up for that. i have been working on a painting for my bathroom. the mini drawing that i did to plan it out looked pretty cool. let's hope i don't distort it too much when i draw it in a larger scale or screw it up by painting it. (i'm not really that good at painting) BUT it has been really fun working on it. can't wait to see the finished product since i designed it myself, who knows how it will end up looking.


isn't that pretty?

art by the falls


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